Podcasts have risen in popularity over the last decade and with current technology and platforms being where they are, anyone can create and publish a podcast to be consumed by the world. Since there is at least one podcast on almost every topic, it is fitting that construction be an industry that has its fair share of dedicated shows. Today, our Sydney-based quantity surveyors take you through the importance and significance of construction podcasts and recommend a few great shows that you may find interesting.


Rising podcasts for a thriving industry

Construction is one of those essential industries that has continuously thrived. There is always a demand for construction whether it is in the form of renovations, erecting new buildings or bolstering infrastructure. As the world’s population expands, so too does the need for construction. Naturally, this beckons forth new contractors and construction firms eager to make their mark. So, where do podcasts fit in?

Podcasting is something that, in the construction industry, has allowed seasoned professionals to share their experience and insight in an easily digestible format. They do not have to spend time writing meticulous articles and the audience do not have to spend time reading them. Listening to a podcast is like listening to the radio except you choose what you want to hear — this makes it perfect for those who spend a lot of their time on the road as it is an easy and informative way to pass the time.


The benefit of construction podcasts

The invaluable knowledge contained within construction podcasts is predominantly information that you will scarcely find online; it is this knowledge that helps improve new firms, inspire up-and-coming contractors and even teach some new tricks to industry veterans. The format of a podcast presents an easily accessible medium that can be streamed using the same Spotify account, for example, that you listen to music from at any time of the day.

Another beneficial aspect of construction podcasts is that it not only allows industry-veterans to share their knowledge and experience but also interview other professionals. It is during these interviews where unique opinions and aspects are drawn out. With the construction industry steadily rolling along there is always room and opportunity for new businesses to rise above the rest and it is how they interpret and implement the amalgamated knowledge they gather from these podcasts that determines how much they will thrive.


An interactive environment

An aspect of construction podcasts that our Sydney-based quantity surveyors love is the interactive element with people all around the globe. This can be via forums, discord channels, direct messaging or even emails. This allows contractors and industry-heavies from all over to send in questions, offer opinions and have those insights discussed or questions answered on the next episode of the show.

This community interactivity is important as it shows fresh contractors that there are no silly questions, there is no need to feel intimated just because you are new to the industry because everyone is in it together. Construction podcasts do not just educate but also inspire.


Some recommendations to get you started

If you are looking for a construction podcast to enjoy, then the best way to start is by browsing dedicated applications such as Google Podcasts, Downcast, Spotify or Apple Podcasts as well as some general internet searching. A good tip is to look at the background and experience of the hosts to ensure you are getting sound advice from professionals.

Our quantity surveyors recommend starting with Construction Genius; a successful construction podcast with more than 100 episodes. The show is led by Eric Anderton, a leadership advisor with over two decades of experience in public speaking and executive mentoring for construction firms. He interviews construction executives on his show — giving them a platform to share their stories, incites and advice on a variety of topics such as leadership, conflict resolution and business development just to name a few.

MEA$URED with Mick Donaghy is another great listen where, similarly to Construction Genius, industry professionals (many of which are quantity surveyors) are invited on the show for discussions and to share their useful insights; this is a great podcast for those looking to sharpen their industry knowledge.

If you are looking for something a little closer to home, The Master Builders Podcast was launched in February 2020 by Master Builders Australia. This podcast covers the latest news about the Australian construction industry including changes to the National Construction Code as well as helpful insights designed to assist your construction business to grow and prosper.


Are you looking for quantity surveyors in Sydney?

Podcasts are a very personal thing, so finding the right construction podcast that fits your niche may take some time but once you do, you will be able to absorb the invaluable information and put it to work for yourself.

If you have a job coming up that requires a section 94 report or the work of a qualified Sydney-based quantity surveyor, then please give Section 94 a call on 0413 953 869 or send an email to info@section94.com.au.